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Friday 7 January 2011

Goiter Disease and Goiter Prevention

It is a benign tumor of the thyroid body. In this denomination are included all increases in gland volume than cystic inflammatory, or cancerous. Blamed for its genesis to the special composition of certain drinking water, food and inheritance. Appears slowly and subsequent abscess swelling in the region triode. The more or less voluminous goiter, may cause or lead to disorders of silence compression on the trachea, and hoarseness, tightness, wheezing, v in the esophagus swallowing difficult.

Goiters occur within groups of people living in areas with iodine-poor soil, usually away from the coastline. It is possible that people from these communities do not get enough iodine in their diet (iodine is needed to produce thyroid hormone).


Other causes are:

• Hashimoto's thyroiditis
• Graves' disease, Basedow
• Inborn errors of the synthesis of thyroid hormone, causing congenital hypothyroidism
• Thyroiditis (acute, chronic)
• Side effects of pharmacological therapy
• Thyroid Cancer
• Iodine deficiency


Iodine is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones thyroxin (T 4) and triiodothyronine (T 3). In endemic goiter, iodine deficiency thyroid gland left unable to produce their hormones because hormones are made out of iodine. When levels fall thyroid hormones, thyrotrophic-releasing hormone (TRH) is produced by the hypothalamus. TRH then prompts the pituitary gland to make stimulating hormone or thyroid thyrotrophic (TSH) which stimulates the production of the thyroid gland T 4 and T 3. It also makes the thyroid gland to grow in size by increasing cell division.

A goiter is more common among women, but it includes many types of goiter caused by autoimmune problems, not just those caused by simple lack of iodine.


The main symptom is inflammation of the thyroid gland, in a size that can range from a single small nodule to a large neck tumor.
The swollen thyroid can put pressure on the trachea and esophagus, which can lead to:

• Cough
• Hoarseness
• Swallowing Difficulties
• Breathing difficulties (may rarely occur with very large goiters)
• There may be swelling of veins in the neck and dizziness when the arms are raised above the head.


A goiter only needs to be treated if it is causing symptoms.
Treatments for an enlarged thyroid include:

• Radioactive iodine to shrink the gland, particularly if the thyroid is producing too much thyroid hormone
• Surgery (thyroidectomy) to remove all or part of the gland
• Small doses of Lugol's iodine or potassium iodide if the goiter due to iodine deficiency
• Treatment with thyroid hormone supplements if the goiter is due to an underactive thyroid
• Forecast

A simple goiter may disappear spontaneously or can be enlarged. Over time, the destruction of the thyroid gland can cause fails to produce enough thyroid hormone, a condition called hypothyroidism.

Occasionally, a goiter may become toxic and produce thyroid hormone itself. This can cause high levels of this hormone, a condition called hyperthyroidism.

If the hormone secretion is normal only produces local clinic.

In the initial phase is a diffuse, firm but hard, painless to palpation and produces no other clinic that tumoraciĆ³n.

In the advanced stage is nodular with one or more lumpy cystic fibrosis or by transformation. Sometimes we produce compressions trachea, esophagus, intrathoracic, and may appear intraquĆ­sticas pain by bleeding, requiring discard thyroiditis, or certain forms of thyroid carcinoma. Fast growth also suggests hemorrhage or intraocular malign dad.

In simple goiter the thyroid function is normal for many years or ever. Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism may appear sporadically for autonomic processing of some nodules (toxic multinodular goiter)

You may be interested in reading Goiter Home Remedies and Natural Home Remedies. If you want read more Premature Ejaculation

1 comment:

  1. I suffered from hypothyroidism and despite from all the test I got no relief. I'm gland I've found natural bovine thyroid supplements . Now I'm feeling better.
